Reservations Grid with Future CalenderUnlimited # of ReservationsBooking ConfirmationsCustomer DatabaseCheck-In & Check-Out ReportsRecords Deposits PaidGroup BookingsFull range of ReportsVAT Reports% Occupancy CalculationsMultiple TarriffsTight Security4POS Point of Sale Interface (Ideal for your Restaurant/Kiosk)Accounting Interface
Rooms & Bookings* Unlimited number of rooms* Unlimited number of reservations and future year reservations* Unlimited number of occupied rooms.* Conference Bookings & Maintenance* Easily Move Transfer guests in occupied rooms.* One step group bookings for multiple roomsMultiple Rate Setup* Flexible rate setup seasonal or fixed rates* Create any number of room groups. (Deluxe, Single, Double Rooms, Tent Stands, Self Catering)* Week or Weekend Charges* Extra children or Adult Charges* Add any daily charges for accommodation Eg. Breakfast, Dinner or Babysitting* Multiple allocation of rates to calculate your rate break-down. Eg. if your rate includes breakfast & a game drive, your allocations will show you what monies were generated per group. Great to calculate your income vs expenses per group!Extra Features* Connect to almost all/any telephone systems* Connect daily room sales to Restaurant or Bar* Powerful Restaurant touch screen or normal Point-Of-Sale* Keep track of advertising methods and walk-in-versus reservationsHistory and Statistics* Daily or Shift cashups per clerk/cashier* Daily occupation percentage, number of singles, doubles, etc bookings* Reprint checkout invoices of any previous invoice in history* Stores all previous guest information in history files* Keep track of deposits or advance paymentsReports* Daily Arrivals and Departure Reports* Reservation Reports* Deposit Received Reports* Occupied room & Guest Report* Reservation Confirmation Reports
4LODGESoftware for the Independently Minded Lodge Keeper!
Reservations Grid with Future CalenderUnlimited # of ReservationsBooking ConfirmationsCustomer DatabaseCheck-In & Check-Out ReportsRecords Deposits PaidGroup BookingsFull range of ReportsVAT Reports% Occupancy CalculationsMultiple TarriffsTight Security4POS Point of Sale Interface (Ideal for your Restaurant/Kiosk)Accounting Interface
Rooms & Bookings* Unlimited number of rooms* Unlimited number of reservations and future year reservations* Unlimited number of occupied rooms.* Conference Bookings & Maintenance* Easily Move Transfer guests in occupied rooms.* One step group bookings for multiple roomsMultiple Rate Setup* Flexible rate setup seasonal or fixed rates* Create any number of room groups. (Deluxe, Single, Double Rooms, Tent Stands, Self Catering)* Week or Weekend Charges* Extra children or Adult Charges* Add any daily charges for accommodation Eg. Breakfast, Dinner or Babysitting* Multiple allocation of rates to calculate your rate break-down. Eg. if your rate includes breakfast & a game drive, your allocations will show you what monies were generated per group. Great to calculate your income vs expenses per group!Extra Features* Connect daily room sales to Restaurant or Bar with 4POS* Powerful Restaurant touch screen or normal Point-Of-Sale* Keep track of advertising methods and walk-in-versus reservationsHistory and Statistics* Daily or Shift cashups per clerk/cashier* Daily occupation percentage, number of singles, doubles, etc bookings* Reprint checkout invoices of any previous invoice in history* Stores all previous guest information in history files* Keep track of deposits or advance paymentsReports* Daily Arrivals and Departure Reports* Reservation Reports* Deposit Received Reports* Occupied room & Guest Report* Reservation Confirmation Reports